Since joining the Essex Photo Club late last year I have not only participated in several of the club competitions, but also in a few competitions of the parent organization. This organization, called the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs (NJFCC), describes itself as “… an association of local camera clubs embracing a membership of more than eight hundred amateur photographers in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.”
Obviously, competing with up to 50 photos per competition category in our club is different than contending with the number of submissions made to the NJFCC that can be in the hundreds. But, nevertheless, I managed to receive two “Honorable Mention” (3rd place) awards and one “Merit” (2nd place) award for my submissions. Now, that was true until yesterday when I was awarded the “Medal” aka 1st place for the photo in this News entry. I can’t express how thrilled and thankful I am about this!